Thursday, April 11, 2013

Brain to keyboard to blog.

"Right person, wrong time." 

I touched on this in my "Currently..." post. And I kind of want to take some time to get those jumbled little thoughts out about it. Maybe someone can relate, maybe someone can give me some advice or just share their thoughts too. Either way. 

"Right person, wrong time" right now is more like "Super crazy right person - practically perfect maybe even THE ONE, super shitty wrong time." So what do you do? Both parties agree that this coupling is one people dream of. The kind that girls cry about wanting and yearn for their whole adolescence. I don't know about guys since I'm not one, but maybe they cry about it too. Who knows. Anyway, one of the two (and you can guess who it is) has decided to finally dive head first into their dream. Putting nothing else a head of that. And it just so happened to be right when the Universe introduced us to each other. 

What do you do? Does one wait for the other? Give up completely? Say goodbye? Keep in touch? I can say that I felt as though we were really brought together by something much bigger than us. A string of events that were so out of the ordinary for me and one brave un-characteristic move on his part. But then it was fizzle city. There just isn't any time to be had for anything but dreams and careers it seems. 

I come back to the same question, "WHAT DO YOU DO?!" and I guess I kind of know. I also kind of want someone to tell me what I want to hear. I also want to believe and feel what's right and have confidence in it and be at peace with it. Put it on the back burner in hopes something comes from it? All while still keeping our options open? Then what if someone comes along. Will you always wonder what could've been with that "right person, wrong time" person? Sounds miserable. I also feel like, you make time for what's most important. But I know how easy it is to be a slave to time and how hard it is to break free.

Right now I sit with, "let it go". If something is going to happen, it will. Right? 

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