Wednesday, April 10, 2013


long crazy hair, dont care
Loving:  Wedges! I'm going through this phase where I love, love, love wedges and I think if I could, every shoe I owned would be a pair.

Reading: Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You by Deepak Chopra. I'm pretty sure I highlight every other sentence in this book. It's so great and powerful. Inspiring to say the least - I recommend it! 

Thinking about:  My job. I've realized that when I'm unhappy, I don't blog. Like, at all. And now here I am blogging 24/7 practically because I had a really great meeting with my Director who made me feel so much better about my job. Which in turn made me happier in general. Anyway, I'm taking a new role within our company, and I've been thinking about what it all means and where I go from here. But in good ways. :)

Watching: Since the finales of The Walking Dead and Girls I almost feel like TV is a waste. Though, I've caught on to the World of Jenks and I think I'm in love. I want to be friends with Chad. 

Anticipating: My birthday weekend! I planned it for this weekend, but as of now, I'm unsure. I wanted something fun and outdoors, then I decided I didn't want to do a thing. Now the plan is the casino in Tampa. Now? Well, I don't know! I'm so indecisive. 

Listening to: My usual: Robyn, Ellie Goulding, Tegan & Sara. 

Wishing: I could fast forward to the point in my life where money doesn't stress me out and I'm at peace with, "right person, wrong time".

*I want to also edit this to say, I've opted to put the "Ask" button back on my Tumblr and decided to allow anonymous questions. This could go either way and I'm kind of nervous because people can be cruel. If you want to ask me something, feel free. :)

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