Monday, June 17, 2013

Our little secret.

An old friend came to visit late last week and wanted to take me to dinner. I wasn't exactly sure what I could eat at Tony Roma's. Vegetarians don't typically eat at restaurants known for their ribs. But I figured what the heck. When I looked over the menu, I was drawn to the peach and blackberry cobbler (yeah, I have a sweet tooth, ok). It's so, so, SO not like me to eat desserts like that. Cobbler is something I'd refer to as "old people food". I'm an ooey, gooey chocolate type of gal.

When it came time for dessert, I ordered it. I'm not kidding when I tell you after my first bite of warm peach and blackberry cobbler with a bit of cold vanilla bean ice-cream I felt the heaven's open up. And then without a breath, I ate the rest of it as if I was an emaciated, malnutritioned child from a third world country.

So, two days later I went back to have it again. Oh, and last night, too.

Don't judge me.

Now I'm on the hunt for the perfect recipe. The only problem is I'm not a baker. Like, at all. I'm an "eyeball it" person in the kitchen, and I know you can't do that with baking which is why it's not my forte. I'm determined to learn though.

My newest obsession with cobbler? Let's just keep this between us.

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