Monday, June 3, 2013


do·sha  /ˈdōSHə/

(in Ayurvedic medicine) Each of three energies believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity.

I think I've mentioned this, but I work for an all natural (97% natural) hair school. Along with hair and skin, we also teach culture. How we started, what we believe, etc. etc. One of the things we teach and touch on are Dosha.

If you're interested in finding out which Dosha is predominate in you, there's an awesome quiz here - Dosha Quiz

Both my mind and body are a Kapha through and through. Occasionally, Vata is in a close second. 

Kaphas are naturally calm, thoughtful, and loving. They have an inherent ability to enjoy life and are comfortable with routine. When in balance, Kaphas are strong, loyal, patient, steady, and supportive. People with an excess of Kapha tend to hold on to things, jobs, and relationships long after they are no longer nourishing or necessary. Excess Kapha in the mind manifests as resistance to change and stubbornness. In the face of stress, the typical Kapha response is “I don’t want to deal with it.”

I'm so out of balance right now. I've actively blogged about my struggles recently, and I'm starting to become more balanced. However, it is a struggle. A friend and I have discovered a center that is non-profit and offers all kind of classes through out the month at such an affordable price for spiritual living. There's an energy healing class, positive energy flow class, and a class to inner peace. This could not have come at a better time. 

I love when you're unsure of what to do and it literally just falls into your lap. 


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